Catalogs & Handbooks

I. General Information

A. On Arrival

As soon as possible after arriving on campus to assume duties, a new member of the faculty should:

  • Inform the Office of the Provost, Registrar’s Office, and Human Resources of a local address and telephone number. Subsequent changes should be reported immediately.
  • Meet with Human Resources to complete the new employee pay pack in order to initiate the payroll process within three days of arrival on campus. Salary payments cannot be made until this process is completed and the required forms have been filled out.
  • Attend benefit orientation to select benefit options, including health, dental, vision, and retirement.
  • Obtain an office assignment from the Office of the Provost.
  • Academic Technology will provide a computer for you. Computers will be ordered for tenure-track faculty, and Academic Technology will do its best to accommodate the particular needs of other faculty on a first come, first served basis. If you have special requirements for a computer, please discuss them with your department chair.
  • Obtain a College ID card from the Department of Public Safety. Your parking permit will be supplied by Public Safety after you complete the online vehicle registration. You will pick up your office key(s) from Buildings and Grounds. You must have completed your new employee pay pack with Human Resources prior to the issuance of these items.

B. Availability and Notifications

All members of the faculty are expected to be available for college-related duties throughout the academic year. For both fall and spring semesters, this period of availability includes the week prior to the beginning of classes through the end of finals week. Before leaving the campus for the summer, each member of the faculty should leave a forwarding address with the Office of the Provost and with the respective faculty administrative assistants.

New information about faculty degrees, publications, honors, and professional activities should be communicated to the Office of the Provost for the personnel record.

Faculty members who plan to make public appearances should notify the Provost’s Office and the College Relations Office to ensure that appropriate press, radio or television news coverage may be arranged. Please keep the College Relations office informed of research projects; professional meetings held at the College; elections to professional societies; delivery of papers at professional meetings; awards received for professional achievements; degrees, fellowships, or scholarships received; noteworthy athletic accomplishments; and any other activities which are likely to favorably showcase our faculty in the media.

C. Facilities, Services, and Procedures

Faculty mail and College notices as well as packages arriving for faculty members will be delivered to your faculty administrative assistant by 1:00pm daily, Monday through Friday. 
Outgoing College mail is sent from the Mail Center in the Central Services Office. The Postal Service picks up the outgoing mail at 3:30pm daily. Central Services will pick up outgoing mail from faculty administrative assistants by 1:00pm daily, Monday through Friday, for the 3:30pm postal service pick up. 

Bookstore: The Bookstore, leased by Barnes & Noble, is maintained on the ground floor of the Casey Academic Center. All textbooks must be ordered through the Bookstore. Textbook orders are due at approximately the same time each year: April 15 for the Fall semester and October 31 for the Spring Semester. The Bookstore will send notification to all faculty members asking them to indicate their required texts for courses in the upcoming semester. 

Barnes & Noble requires all photocopy course packs to be supplied through Xanedu. Xanedu obtains all copyright permissions. Xanedu also accepts unsold course packs as returns. The department will not be charged for any unsold photocopy course packs. Please contact the Bookstore for information concerning Xanedu. 

Desk copies are not supplied by the Bookstore. Each instructor should contact the publishers directly for desk copies. All publisher information is available online at Books-in-Print accessible from Miller Library’s website. 

Located on the second floor of Hodson Hall, the Hodson Culinary Center features an extensive lineup of culinary platforms. The Culinary Center offers a diverse menu selection of made-to-order and quick-service selections as well as daily specials at the all-you-care-to-enjoy venue. A separate section of the center provides selections free from common allergens of peanuts, tree nuts, shellfish, wheat, sesame, soy, milk products and eggs.

Java George, serving Starbucks, and Freshens Fresh Food Kitchen are located on the lower level of Hodson Hall.

Please visit the Washington College Dining website for more detailed information about dining options.

Active full-time faculty may currently charge with College ID at the Dining Hall, the Hodson Hall retail facilities and the Bookstore. Amounts charged will be automatically withdrawn in full from the faculty’s post-tax pay in the next normal pay cycle. 

Official College stationery may be obtained from the faculty administrative assistants. The College letterhead should be reserved strictly for correspondence on College or professional matters. Each member of the faculty and staff is obligated to see that the name of the College is not used in advertising or promotional activities of outside organizations or misused in outside consulting work, partisan political activity, public addresses, or sponsored research activity. Business cards may be ordered through the College Relations & Marketing Office. 

Faculty members and departments requiring copy work of more than 40 copies are advised, in the interest of economy, to use the copy equipment located in the Central Services Office. The Central Services Office is open Monday-Friday from 8:30AM to 4:30PM. Departmental use of library photocopying equipment is under the direction of the circulation desk staff. Faculty members are reminded that the College adheres to federal laws concerning the photocopying of materials protected by copyright. Information concerning these laws may be found on the College’s copyright page. 

College vehicles (cars, minivans and minibuses) are available, on a limited basis, for trips involving official College business. Permission to drive College vehicles is subject to a driving record check through MVA. All prospective drivers of College vehicles must submit their driver’s license information to the Transportation Manager in the Student Affairs Office several days in advance of their reservation. Reservations for vehicles should be requested well in advance and vehicles are reserved on a first-come, first-served basis. 

Requests for repairs or maintenance should be submitted to Buildings and Grounds. It is best to submit these requests through Maintenance Connection on the college website. 

D. Scheduling

Professors who for any reason are unable to meet a scheduled class should phone the Registrar’s Office. Arrangements will be made to have a notice posted outside the classroom. 

The schedule for the use of all College classrooms for academic course purposes, during the academic year, is maintained in the Registrar’s Office. Arrangements for their use should be made through that office. This includes requests such as special class sessions, review sessions and extra time for mid-semester exams but does not include public events. 

Spaces for public events, lectures, or performances, and for the use of all public meeting halls and lobbies as well as conference rooms in academic buildings is maintained by Campus Events in the Office of the President. All spaces for public events should be reserved before a speaker or guest is confirmed. 

The Campus Events Office maintains a website with additional information regarding scheduling and how requests can be made. The office also sends out a comprehensive list of scheduling contacts for spaces at the beginning of each semester. 

All requests for use of performance spaces (and accompanying lobbies) in the Daniel Z. Gibson Center for the Arts should be directed to the Office of Campus Events. 

Use of facilities in Cain Athletic Center, the Johnson Lifetime Fitness Center, and the Casey Swim Center should be cleared through Athletics. 

Use of the Sophie Kerr Room should be cleared with staff in the Miller Library. 

The Conference Room in Bunting Hall may be scheduled through the Office of the Provost. 

Scheduling for the use of College classrooms, outside of the academic year, is maintained by the Office of Conference Services. 

A master calendar of forthcoming College events is maintained by Campus Events in the Office of the President. Faculty members should confer with the Office of the President before scheduling any meeting or program on campus. Faculty should not schedule campus events that might potentially conflict with others. The schedule is accessible via Outlook. Please contact the Campus Events Office with assistance in accessing this resource. The Campus Events Office also maintains the College’s website main calendar. 

Media Release Policy for Guest Speakers: Washington College routinely sponsors speakers, forums, readings and lectures that are publicized through the media and are open to all in the spirit of community service and education. In our desire to support free inquiry and the open forum of ideas that are the core values of higher education, Washington College also reserves the right to invite members of the media—print, broadcast and electronic outlets, as well as our campus newspaper and alumni magazine—to cover and report on these events. 

In addition, the College often records these college-sponsored events electronically, by audio or videotape, or via printed transcript as a service to our campus community. These records are archived by the College and are freely available to students and faculty for educational purposes only. The College reserves the right to share such records, in lieu of transcripts, with members of the media on request. Washington College assumes that the guest, by agreeing to appear at a college-sponsored event, understands and accepts our policy. However, the College will do all within its power to accommodate the requests and instructions of our guests if given sufficient notice in advance of the scheduled event. 

E. Academic Computing

The Library and Academic Technology (LAT) provides strategic leadership for technology support on campus. LAT offers help and support for classroom technology ranging from the Canvas Learning System to personal response systems or clickers to audiovisual equipment. Faculty seeking to create rich digital content that will engage students and enhance their learning experiences can accomplish this in the Beck Lab and the Multimedia Production Center (MPC). The Beck Instructional Lab is a full featured collaborative learning space that offers faculty a place to experiment with emerging technologies while also serving as a flexible teaching space for workshops and presentations. The MPC contains a plethora of technologies faculty can use to produce their multimedia project. If you want to transfer VHS video clips to DVD, scan slides, record a podcast, create and edit a digital video, modify a graphic or borrow equipment, the MPC is the ideal place. Not sure how to use a particular technology or you need technology training for your students? Attend one of the workshops offered in the Beck Instructional Lab or request an in-class workshop. 

LAT also provides technology for teaching spacing which includes audiovisual equipment including an instructor computer workstation, a projector, a projection screen, and the ability to connect a laptop to the projection system. LAT provides faculty with a computer system. If you have special computer requirements, please discuss them with your department chair. LAT also repairs College owned computers. If you have questions or need assistance with technology, please contact the HelpDesk at extension 7777 or (410) 778-7777 when dialing from off campus.

F. Reimbursements and Payments for Goods and Services

The Business Office is responsible for processing vendor payments for goods and services and reimbursements to individuals for out-of-pocket expenses incurred while conducting College business. Those authorized by a Budget Manager to request such payments should schedule training with Accounts Payable to learn the College Payment and Reimbursement Guidelines. 

Please visit the Business Office website for detailed information on Expense and Reimbursements Guidelines. 

Methods of Payment or Reimbursement:

  1. College Check: Paper and Electronic checks are used to pay a majority of vendors. Checks are processed weekly on Thursdays. Please allow 7-10 business days for payment processing after all approvals have been received in the Business Office. Employees may sign up to receive Electronic Payments through Self Service. Contact the Accounts Payable Specialist @ x 7705 for Etrieve training or instructions on Electronic Payments. Access to the Etrieve System can be found here: 
  2. Corporate Credit Card: Credit Cards are restricted in use and issued to employees upon approval of their Department Chair to facilitate business travel and/or the purchase of goods and some services. Contact the Accounting Analyst 2 @ x 7821 for more information. 
  • Detailed information on the WC Corporate Credit Cards can be found at the Business Office website
  • International Wire Transfer. Contact the Controller @ x 7785 for this payment method

Forms Used for Payments or Reimbursement by Check or Wire:

  1. Requisition Form – Requests of goods and services Outside vendor payments: Vendor payments should be in accordance with the College’s Procurement Policy. New vendors must complete a W-9 form to be entered into the College’s Vendor system. Contracts and Proof of Insurance should accompany requests for payment when necessary. These payments are subject to tax regulations and may result in year-end reporting. 
    1. Travel Advances: A travel advance may be requested by an employee to cover out-of-pocket cash expenses, when these expenses are for overnight travel and are expected to exceed $75. (Out-of-pocket expenses do not include the mileage rate reimbursement for use of a personal vehicle.) Requests for advances should be submitted via the college’s electronic system, complete with approval by the fund’s Budget Manager, at least two weeks prior to the trip. Travel advance checks/electronic payments are generally available in the Business Office on the Friday preceding expected departure. Travel advances must be accounted for within 30 days of return by submission of a completed Travel Expense Reimbursement form via the college’s electronic system to reconcile against the cash advance. All Academic travel advance requests and travel advance reconciliation requests must go to the Fund Budget Manager and then the Budget Director for approval before being submitted to the Business Office. Any unused funds must be refunded to the Cashier’s Office upon reconciliation of the cash advance and approval from the Budget Director. 
    2. Out-of-pocket reimbursements for students/faculty/staff other than travel: Requests for reimbursements or expenses related to official entertainment, other than budgeted entertainment of students, must be approved by the Dean. Requests must be accompanied by an explanation of the business purpose of the entertainment and the names and affiliations of the individuals entertained. Requests for reimbursement or expenses related to budgeted entertainment of students should be submitted following the procedures outlined above. These payments may not include payments for Contractual Obligations to Individuals or Businesses for Services Performed. Such payments should be submitted as Outside Vendor Payments as listed above to comply with Federal tax regulations. 
  2. Travel Reimbursement Form: A travel reimbursement form may be used for travel-related expenses incurred while away from campus. All travel expenses should be in accordance with the College Travel Policy. Washington College maintains its travel expense reimbursement policy in conformity with federal guidelines as set forth in the Internal Revenue Code defining Accountable Plans. Proper documentation must be included with the request. The following information is required: the business purpose of the travel, a listing of costs incurred, the full fund, department and account number to be charged, and detailed receipts. Timely requests for reimbursements are expected to accurately reflect expenses in Departmental Budgets
  3. Student Requisition: For payments issued to students not classified as payments under Financial Aid or Payroll

All Academic requisitions and travel reimbursement requests must go to the Department Chair for approval. Department Chairs should schedule training with the Budget Director for Work Flow Process @ x 8525 before submitting requisitions to the Business Office.

Payments by Credit Card: 

  • Travel related expenses
  • Purchases of goods
    • Do not use for purchase of services unless prior approval by the Interim Controller @ x 7785
    • No cell phones or accessories may be purchased on the Credit Card. All requests for items may be directed to the Chief Academic Technology Officer @ x 7450.
    • Do not use for purchase of goods or services that are capital items unless prior approval by the college’s Vice President of Finance @ x 5739 has been secured.

Payments by Business Accounts: 

  • Barnes & Noble – Purchases for Course packs and textbooks should be purchased using the Washington College Bookstore on Account. The College Account is Sales Tax Exempt. Other additional books and supplies may also be purchased onsite or ordered through the Bookstore and paid on account.
  • Amazon Business – to make purchases for the college from Amazon you must do so by using the College Amazon Business Account, please contact the Accounting Analyst @ x 7821 to setup your access.
  • Office Basics - to make purchases for the College from Office Basics you must do so using the College Office Basics Business Account, please contact the Accounts Payable Specialist @ x 7705 to setup your access.
  • Egencia – Washington College has secured a travel management program with Egencia. This program provides one place to create and manage all aspects of your trips: online, on mobile or with travel consultants. Travel needs include access to airlines, hotels and vehicle rentals. Please contact the Interim Controller for additional information @ x 7785. The Egencia website can be accessed here:

Items Requiring Additional Authorization before purchase or payment made:

  • Technology: the Help Desk will assist with all hardware, software, and all technology-related purchases - See the college’s Technology Purchasing Policy before purchasing any technology or technology-related items here:
  • Cell Phones and Accessories: The Chief Academic Technology Officer is responsible for all purchases, plans, and repairs of college cell phones @ x 7450.
  • Equipment – See Procurement Policies for definition and authorization procedures
  • Vendor Payments over $5,000
    • Purchases of goods and services are to be made in accordance with College Procurement Policies and Guidelines. These Guidelines preserve the value of College resources and comply with regulations that protect the College against legal liability, provide for receipt of goods and services in a timely manner, supply accepted standards of quality and service, properly hold vendors accountable for goods and services, and provide accountability for College expenditures.
  • Grant Related Expenses – See Grant Procedures and schedule an appointment with the Interim Controller @ x 7785

Tax Exempt Purchases: Washington College is a nonprofit educational institution that allows for an exemption from sales and use tax in Maryland and many other states. The College has several Business Accounts already established as tax exempt with vendors used frequently by the College. To secure a copy of the college’s tax-exempt certificate for use for college purchase please contact the Business Office.

Payments to Foreign Vendors: Payments to foreign vendors for services (honorariums, consulting, etc.) are generally subject to additional withholding unless a tax treaty exists. Additional forms will need to be completed prior to requesting such payments. See Payments to Foreign Vendors prior to negotiating payments. Additional access for Foreign Vendors to electronically submit forms is granted by the Interim Controller @ x 7785.

G. Athletic Facilities

A locker room for use by members of the Faculty is maintained in the Johnson Fitness Center. Interested Faculty members should see the Assistant to the Athletic Director for Sports Performance Program and Campus Recreation about obtaining a locker assignment.

The Johnson Fitness Center is a comprehensive exercise facility that includes a field house, indoor track, racquetball and squash courts, and a weight room. Schedules and information may be obtained by calling the Assistant to the Athletic Director for Sports Performance Program and Campus Recreation.

The Casey Swim Center is a six-lane enclosed competitive swimming pool that is open year- round to faculty/staff and their immediate families by showing College ID. Check times on website and/or the Casey Swim Center lobby TV.

The Campus Recreation department is open to students, staff and faculty with a wide variety of intramural activities, open recreation and fitness classes to choose from as well as weight room orientations. Exclusively for students, numerous club sports are offered ranging from dance to team sports to mixed martial arts.

Squash, racquetball and tennis courts are available for Faculty use in the Benjamin Johnson Fitness Center. Reservations can be made at the front desk of the JFC. (Athletic teams are given priority in poor weather situations.)

The College's Lelia Hynson Pavilion and the Hodson Boat House are available to Faculty members for limited use. Inquiries concerning use of these facilities should be made to the Director of Waterfront Activities.

The Roy Kirby, Jr. stadium includes: Kibler Field, (a synthetic surface field), the Chatellier track, lights, and an 1800 seat grandstand including skybox and pressroom. Chatellier track is open daily from dawn until dusk, except during approved events. Usage of Kibler Field is limited to varsity athletic practices and events, intramural sports, and other pre-approved events. Faculty and staff are welcome and encouraged to attend all the varsity team contests. There is no charge for admission (except for NCAA post season games).

Schottland Tennis Center features eight hard-court tennis courts, four each on either side of the tennis center. Restrooms are located inside the tennis center. Schottland is open for use by faculty and staff during select times. Schedules can be obtained by calling the tennis center.

H. Library and Academic Technology

Library and Academic Technology is located in the Clifton M. Miller Library and William Smith Hall.

Miller Library

Miller Library has a dynamic and diverse collection of academic research materials with a growing emphasis on digital content that is available 24/7 through an authenticated portal. The library houses over 200,000 print books, 2500 DVD’s, and over 100 print periodicals. Currently there are over 560,000 online resources available to all students, faculty and staff.

The development of a robust collection that supports the curriculum and research is the joint responsibility of the faculty and the librarians. Technical Services staff is dedicated to assuring that the array of resources is easily discoverable and accessible. All materials requests should be directed to the Director of Resource Management at 7278.

Archives and Special Collections: Archives and Special Collections acquires and preserves books, documents, and artifacts related to the history of Washington College, Chestertown, and the Upper Eastern Shore of Maryland. The Archives aims to support research and teaching. It promotes understanding of the rich history of the College and the Upper Eastern Shore. College faculty, staff, students, and community researchers are encouraged to visit. For more about programming, including augmented archives, digital collections, print collections, and donations, contact the College Archives at 5752 or the Director of Archives and Technical Services at 7421 for more information.

Public Services: Public Services consists of Circulation, Interlibrary Loan, Library Instruction, and Research. The division circulates materials in the library collection and assists users in accessing research resources. It upholds the library’s borrowing policies, manages course reserves, provides interlibrary loan services, and maintains the housing of library materials. For general information on Public Services, please contact the Director of Public Services at 5721.

Books are checked out for one academic year to faculty members, and, if still needed, may be renewed for an additional year, after which they must be returned to the library. Any book may be recalled if it is in demand. Interlibrary loan requests may be submitted electronically through the library’s web site. Although some resources, such as print periodicals, microforms, reference books, media, and some special collections materials are for use in the library only, special arrangements to facilitate teaching and research can be made. Arrangements to have materials placed on reserve for particular courses should be made by the instructor through the Head of Circulation at 7701. It is important that reserve requests are submitted early; please allow 72 business hours before they are given to classes. Articles are scanned and made accessible to students electronically through Canvas. Please submit only one photocopy of each article for reserve.

Research librarians collaborate with faculty to create library instruction sessions that meet course objectives and address core information literacy competencies. Students participate in active learning sessions in the library or classroom that require them to think critically about their information needs, construct scholarly research questions, and to discover and evaluate relevant sources from a variety of formats. To schedule a library session, please fill out the form on the library website or contact the Research and Information Literacy Librarian at 7702.

Academic Technology

Educational Technology: Educational Technology provides instructional design consultation for faculty seeking to create technology-enhanced instructional sequences that will engage students and enhance their critical thinking and communication skills. Instructional Technologists in Educational Technology are professionals who understand where pedagogy and technology intersect and can assist faculty in all aspects of designing technology-enhanced instruction from creating Canvas content to offering collaborative, team-based multimedia workshops for students in the classroom. Faculty can schedule a consultation with Educational Technology by calling extension 7167.

Digital Media Services: Digital Media Services provides a wide variety of workshops, excursions and experiential learning opportunities that reach a diverse student body both inside and outside the classroom. Faculty can schedule a consultation with Digital Media Services by calling extension 7864 or filling out a form on the Digital Media Services webpage.

Client Support & Technical Services: Client Support & Technical Services designs, updates and maintains technology-enabled classrooms, which contain audiovisual equipment including an instructor computer workstation, a projector, a projection screen, a DVD/VCR combo deck and the ability to connect a laptop to the projection system. Televisions are also available in selected classrooms. Client Support & Technical Services provides faculty with a computer system. If you have special computer requirements, please discuss them with your department chair. Client Support & Technical Services also repairs College-owned computers. If you have questions or need assistance with technology, please contact the HelpDesk at extension 7777 or (410) 778-7777 when dialing from off campus.

IDEAWORKS Innovation Suite: IDEAWORKS is Academic Technology’s open-access suite of creative production and experimentation facilities. Consultants are available to assist faculty and students visiting IDEAWORKS in the creation of multimedia projects. IDEAWORKS is comprised of three spaces:

The Multimedia Production Center (MPC): The MPC contains a variety of technologies faculty and students can use to produce multimedia projects. The MPC has resources to integrate various media formats, record a podcast, create and edit a digital video, or modify a graphic. The Equipment Loaner Pool available in the MPC offers free access to video camcorders, DSLR cameras, audio recorders and more.

Makerspace: The IDEAWORKS Makerspace extends the digital creative capabilities of the MPC by allowing users to design and fabricate items using modern digital tools in addition to traditional fabrication methods. Embracing the power of the maker culture, the Makerspace provides access to training and tools such as 3D Printers, laser cutting and etching, electronics prototyping, sewing, traditional fabrication tools, and more.

One Button Studio/Sound Studio: The One Button Studio/Sound Studio is a compact but versatile acoustically-treated production space. In this space users can create studio-quality video and audio with just the push of a button. Individuals and small groups may use this space for personal and class projects that include recording voiceover narration, studio quality video, and more. Walk-in use is allowed, however reserving a time slot on the studio’s calendar is preferable. To make a reservation, speak with the consultant on duty or call the IDEAWORKS Innovation Suite number at 410-810-5800.

Beck Multimedia Instructional Lab: The Beck Multimedia Instructional Lab is a full-featured collaborative learning space that offers faculty a place to experiment with emerging technologies while also serving as a flexible teaching space for workshops and presentations. Faculty who wish to schedule instructional sessions in Beck Multimedia Instructional Lab can arrange to do so by calling Educational Technology at extension 7167.

I. Programs and Associations

Washington College conducts a full program of intercollegiate sports. For NCAA-sponsored events, there is a charge.

A Concert Series presenting visiting artists is sponsored jointly each year by Washington College and interested members of the Chestertown Community. A brochure listing guest artists and their programs is published at the beginning of each academic year. Information about the series may be obtained at:

The Women's League of Washington College was established in 1951 to foster closer relations between the College and the community. It holds four general meetings during the academic year and sponsors scholarships and other projects to benefit the College. Female faculty, administrators, or wives of College employees are invited to join.