Catalogs & Handbooks

International Studies Major

Interdisciplinary Major

Our world has become globalized, with organizations, corporations, and individuals from around the world interacting on a daily basis. International Studies majors learn the importance of understanding and experiencing diverse cultures and the skills to work together on solutions to global challenges. International Studies is an interdisciplinary major, coordinated by the departments of Anthropology, Business Management, Economics, History, Political Science, and World Languages and Cultures. The major requires coursework drawn from these departments and supplemented by other departments and courses taken abroad. All International Studies majors study abroad for at least one semester, at one of twenty-eight partner programs managed by our Global Education Office. Majors also must engage in “experiential learning” to link real-world experiences to classroom-based learning. Other opportunities to make such linkages exist on campus as well, through our vibrant Model United Nations program, the student-run International Studies Council, foreign language “coffee hours,” lectures from internationally known speakers sponsored by the Goldstein Program in Public Affairs and the Institute for Religion, Politics, and Culture, and other on-campus programming. After graduation, our majors go on to apply their education and skills in a wide range of careers, including business, journalism, non-profit organizations, politics, teaching, and public service. Double majors also find International Studies a useful supplement to all of Washington College’s major fields of study. There is no minor in International Studies, though non-majors (and majors) are encouraged to pursue a related regional or functional minor listed on the Related Programs tab.