Catalogs & Handbooks


The Incomplete

Students must provide notice of absence from a final examination to the student to the Dean of Student Achievement and Success, the Registrar, and the instructor of the course before the scheduled time of the examination.

Regular Examinations

Instructors may give quizzes and tests with sufficient frequency to enable students to have a reasonably accurate measure of their level of work in a course as the semester proceeds. This rule applies with special force to first-year and sophomore courses.

Final Examinations

Normally, examinations are given at the end of a course as well as at other points during the semester. The final examination is to be given during the final examination period, which is the week following the last day of classes, at the time scheduled officially by the Registrar, whether this is a traditional final, that is, an examination testing the entire course, or simply the last in a series of written exercises. Examinations that conclude a series may be given toward the end of the semester only if there is a comprehensive final during the final examination period as well. Instructors may give quizzes at any time they find it useful to do so.

The duration of final examinations should not exceed two- and one-half hours. Take-home examinations may be distributed at the last class meeting for submission to the instructor during the final examination period. Occasionally, the final examination schedule prepared by the Registrar creates unusual difficulties for a faculty member or for individual students. Change in the established time of a final examination may be made, in very exceptional cases only, by permission of the Registrar.

Making Up Work

Responsibility for handing in all announced papers, reports, and projects on time rests entirely with the student. Instructors may penalize late work. A student who has missed an examination or test is responsible for making it up and must take the initiative to reach out and plan to make-up examination/test with the instructor. Instructors are not obliged to prepare make-up exams unless the student’s absence was occasioned by serious and unavoidable reasons. Students who are members of varsity sports teams and who must miss an exam because of a scheduled sports event may make-up exams. In such cases, responsibility for informing the professor of an absence for an exam and for scheduling a make-up exam date rests solely with the individual student.