Catalogs & Handbooks

Study Abroad & Exchange Programs

Credit for Study Abroad Programs

Students participating in a Washington College-approved study abroad program receive Washington College credit and grades for their coursework. Because the assignment of credits and grades is different in other countries, the College follows a set of standards and best practices when converting and transferring grades and credits from overseas institutions. The Global Education Office provides students applying for study abroad with information on how grades and credits earned at their specific host institution will be transferred upon their return to Washington College. The following policies apply:

Students should take the equivalent of 16 credit hours per semester abroad in order to return with a full course load equivalent at Washington College. Students must take the equivalent of 12 credit hours or more in order to maintain full-time student status.

All courses must be pre-approved by appropriate department chairs and by the student’s faculty advisor using the Study Abroad Approval Form available from the Global Education Office.

If course registrations change while the student is abroad, they must contact their faculty advisor, the appropriate department chair, and the Director of the Global Education Office to communicate these changes in a timely manner (not later than the host institution’s Drop/Add deadline).

Students may only take courses on a Pass/Fail basis with permission of their faculty advisor, subject to the rules explained in the Pass/Fail Option section above.

When the official transcript from the foreign institution is received by the Registrar’s Office, the courses are given equivalent Washington College course numbers and credit values based on the approvals noted on the Study Abroad Approval Form. All grades and credits become part of the student’s Washington College transcript.

If students do not submit a completed Study Abroad Course Approval Forms by the end of the semester after return to Washington College, the Registrar will post general credits in place of their credits earned abroad. General credits will not count towards major, minor, or distribution requirements, but will be counted toward the minimum credits required to graduate and will be factored into the student's' GPA.

Only courses equivalent to three or more credit hours in Washington College’s curriculum may be counted toward major, minor and distribution requirements. Some institutions offer courses/sessions for fewer than the equivalent of three credit hours. With permission of the department chair, two courses worth fewer than three credit hours each may be combined to count toward these requirements.

Students participating in a study abroad programs not approved by Washington College are not guaranteed transfer credit for their coursework. For those students seeking transfer credit for such courses, the following policies apply:

  • All courses must be pre-approved by the department chairs and by the student’s faculty advisor using the Study Abroad Course Approval Form available from the Registrar’s Office.
  • When the official transcript from the foreign institution is received by the Registrar’s Office, the courses are given equivalent Washington College course numbers and credit values based on the approvals noted on the Transfer Credit Request Form. Only courses earning a letter grade of “C-” or better will become part of the student’s Washington College transcript. Grades earned in these courses will not become part of the student’s cumulative grade point average.

Short-Term Faculty-Led Study Abroad Courses

Washington College offers intensive two- to three-week travel/study experiences during winter or summer breaks. Led by Washington College faculty, these trips focus on a specific area of study and typically count as one 4-credit course. Policies regarding these courses are below.

Prior to the departure of the trip, students may elect to audit the course. Students may elect to take the course on a Pass/Fail basis, unless it is being used to fulfill a distribution or major requirement. Established Pass/Fail policies still apply: please review the Pass/Fail Option section above for further details.

Because of the brief nature and scheduling considerations related to short-term courses, students may not withdraw after departure; however, students may drop the course prior to departure (not all fees may be refundable).

Special Sessions

Washington College offers several intensive travel/study experiences, conducted under the guidance of professors during times when classes are normally not in session. Successful completion of these summer sessions earns academic credit.

January Session in Cuba: Cuban Music and Culture

Offered during the Winter Break, this course introduces students to anthropological, ethnomusicological, and ethnochoreological ethnographic fieldwork methods, including participant-observation, ethnographic interviews, and audio/video documentation techniques. Students will be exposed to both Afro-Cuban religious and Cuban popular expressive forms. They will learn about the interrelatedness of music, dance, visual arts, ritual, and religious beliefs, as well as with Cuban views on Cuban culture, gender, and race. Students will attend/observe both formal and informal music performances and take music and dance lessons where they will have an opportunity to engage musicians on a one-on-one basis. In addition to music-oriented activities, students will learn about Cuba’s cultural and economic history by exploring Havana’s rich museums, monuments, and plazas.

Summer Session in Bermuda

This summer course will investigate the complex ecology of the Bermuda Islands, the impact that human habitation has had on their natural history, and current environmental concerns and means of mitigating those concerns. Major areas of study will include (but not be limited to) coral reef ecology/symbioses, mangrove community ecology and environmental relevance, architectural and military influences during colonization, fisheries practices (past, present, and future) and current concerns and problems, and ecotourism and associated environmental impacts.

Summer Program in Ecuador

This three-week-long summer course, offered in conjunction with the Universidad San Francisco de Quito, will investigate many of the world’s most distinctive species of plants, animals that inhabit the richly diverse ecosystems of Ecuador. Students will gain an understanding of Ecuador’s social and economic issues and the challenges it faces as a developing country while attempting to conserve its natural resources. Topics investigated include conservation of the Amazon rain forest and oil exploration, ecotourism, biodiversity concerns, mangrove conservation and the fate of Galapagos tortoises and the Galapagos fisheries.

Summer Session at Kiplin Hall

During a three-week summer excursion to North Yorkshire, students experience the poetic landscape of England. Hiking the remote hills of the Lake District and exploring the moors, students literally follow the footsteps of Romantic poets as they study the literature of that period. Students stay at Kiplin Hall, the ancestral home of Maryland’s Calvert family. Participants earn four credits.

Oxford University in England - Research Seminar on Religion, Politics, and Culture

Students interested in the intersection of religion, politics, and culture are encouraged to apply for a two week study program conducted at the University of Oxford in June. Students reside on campus in the heart of Oxford University, engage in a structured program of study directed by Oxford faculty, develop an independent research project using the vast resources of Oxford libraries, and conduct tutorials under Oxford faculty. For more information, please contact Joseph Prud’homme, director, the Institute for Religion, Politics, and Culture.

Charles University in Prague - Research Seminar on Religion, Politics, and Culture

Washington College partners with Charles University in Prague for a distinctive summer course in Prague, Vienna, and Cracow, with a study trip to the extermination camp at Auschwitz. This distinctive program brings together students from around the world for an intensive examination of the role of religion in cultural and political life. Founded in 1347, Charles University is located in the historic center of the picturesque city of Prague, once the capitol of the Holy Roman Empire. For more information, please contact Joseph Prud’homme, director, the Institute for Religion, Politics, and Culture.

Summer International Business Experience

Washington College offers a two-week- travel course in international business. For details, contact the Chair of the Business Management Department.

Summer Program in Tanzania

Washington College offers a 15-day summer course on politics, culture, economy, and sustainable development in Tanzania. The course focuses on the familiar problems associated with Africa: poverty, unemployment, health, debt, and the conflicts between tradition and the lures of a changing world. Traveling to one of Tanzania’s national parks, to traditional Maasai communities, to coffee co-ops, government agencies, and health care centers, students come face-to-face with local communities and their diverse problems and challenges.

Summer Archaeological Field School

This summer program is an introduction to archaeological fieldwork methods and to the theoretical concerns of anthropological archaeology. It includes participation in archaeological survey and excavation as well as lectures, readings, and writing assignments. A minimum obligation of 30 hours per week is required. Sites will focus on North American native people and colonial U.S. history in Maryland.

Summer Session in Maine

During a three-week summer session at Acadia National Park on Mount Desert Island, Maine, students study coastal community ecology within geological and oceanographic contexts.