Catalogs & Handbooks

Pre-Nursing Program

Pre-Nursing Program
Pre-Health Professions Programs

Washington College does not offer a stand-alone Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) program but offers multiple paths for students interested in nursing to pursue. Students interested in nursing should contact Tia Murphy, Ph.D., Pre-Nursing Program Advisor, and Phil Ticknor, Coordinator of Pre-Health Professions Programs, to notify them of their interest and receive guidance. The Pre-Nursing Program Advisor works closely with students in the 3:2 dual-degree program as well as with other Pre-Nursing students.

3:2 Dual-Degree Program with University of Maryland School of Nursing

Through this program, students may earn a Bachelor of Science degree from Washington College in Biology or a Bachelor of Arts degree from Washington College in Psychology and a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree from the University of Maryland School of Nursing (UMSON). This dual degree program typically requires five years of study; the first three years are spent at Washington College and the final two at UMSON.

Students in this program will receive their BA or BS from Washington College after their successful completion of the first year of courses at UMSON. To be eligible for graduation from Washington College, grades from the UMSON must be submitted to the Washington College Registrar by the appropriate deadline.

To be eligible for the 3:2 program, students must complete specific Washington College courses and maintain cumulative grade-point averages of at least 3.25 overall and at least 3.0 in science courses. Courses marked with a * are prerequisite courses for UMSON and require a grade of “C” or better.

Four-Year Pre-Nursing Path

Students who elect to remain four years at Washington College and are interested in pursuing Nursing degrees after graduating typically apply to “Accelerated” Bachelor of Science in Nursing (ABSN) or “Direct-Entry” Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) programs. Both types of programs are specifically intended for individuals with non-nursing undergraduate degrees who, during their undergraduate studies, have completed a number of prerequisite courses for nursing school. Students interested in ABSN or direct-entry MSN programs should research the prerequisite courses required for the specific programs they are interested in and work with the Pre-Nursing Program Advisor and Coordinator of Pre-Health Professions Programs to plan for a competitive application. Pre-Nursing students should meet regularly with the Pre-Nursing Program Advisor to plan their course schedules in a way that fulfills all of the nursing school prerequisites while completing their major(s) and minor(s) as well as their general distribution requirements.

Letter of Agreement with Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing

Washington College maintains a Letter of Agreement with Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing (JHUSON) for their Master of Science in Nursing: Entry into Nursing program (a direct-entry MSN program). Qualified students must complete all of the prerequisite courses for the program and maintain a cumulative undergraduate grade-point average of at least 3.2. Washington College students interested in the program will receive assistance from a designated liaison from JHUSON. Additional information about the program can be obtained from the Pre-Nursing Program Advisor.