Catalogs & Handbooks

Pre-Allied Health Program

Pre-Allied Health Program
Pre-Health Professions Programs

The Pre-Allied Health Program offers individualized advising for students interested in other human healthcare careers (aside from those covered by the Premedical, Pre-Nursing, or Pre-Pharmacy programs) requiring additional education following their graduation from Washington College. Pre-Allied Health students may choose any major(s) but work closely with the Pre-Allied Health Program Advisor to best plan their coursework to also complete the prerequisite courses for the allied health graduate or doctorate programs of their choice. Both the Pre-Allied Health Program Advisor and the Coordinator of Pre-Health Professions Programs offer guidance regarding the application process and experiential learning opportunities, which are important for any health professions graduate program and critical for some (e.g. physician assistant programs).

Some of the most popular Allied Health Professions for Washington College students are Physician Assistant, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, and Athletic Training, though the list of Allied Health Professions is long and growing. Physician Assistant and Athletic Training programs are Master’s-level programs, Occupational Therapy programs are either Master’s-level or Doctorate-level, and Physical Therapy programs are Doctorate-level.

Articulation Agreement with Bridgewater College MSAT Program

Students interested in pursuing a career in Athletic Training may streamline their career training by matriculating from Washington College to the Bridgewater College, Master of Science in Athletic Training Program (MSAT). Students interested in Bridgewater’s MSAT program can choose any major at Washington College provided they complete the proper prerequisite courses. Students interested in the program may apply via the Early Acceptance Option as a junior or via the Guaranteed Consideration Option as a senior.

To be considered for admission, students must maintain a cumulative grade-point average of at least 2.7 and complete specific Washington College courses, earning a “C” or better in each course.

Additional application requirements and full program regulations can be obtained from the Pre-Allied Health Program Advisor or the Coordinator of Pre-Health Professions Programs.