Catalogs & Handbooks

Political Science

Division of Social Sciences

The political science major is designed to provide an understanding of the political forces, institutions, ideas, and problems of contemporary society. The curriculum prepares students for graduate studies and professional careers in law, politics, teaching, journalism, government, and international civil service. Our top faculty, our innovative teaching styles, and our emphasis on experiential learning set the study of political science at Washington College apart from other places. Political science students at Washington College benefit from the college’s close proximity to our nation’s capital as well as Annapolis, the Maryland state capital, and many of our students complete internships or volunteer to work for political parties, nongovernmental organizations or campaigns during election season.

Political science majors may become certified to teach secondary school social studies. To assure proper scheduling, students interested in this program should inform the chairs of both the Political Science and Education Departments as early as possible in their college careers. Students may double-major in Political Science and International Studies; however, those students will be required to take the Senior Seminar in International Studies instead of POL 401 Political Science Senior Seminar and take one additional course in Political Science.