Catalogs & Handbooks

Mathematics Major

Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Division of Natural Sciences and Mathematics

In mathematics, the foundational courses listed below are the gateway to the major. Prospective majors should begin coursework in the foundational courses during their first semester at the College (usually with MAT 111 Differential Calculus or MAT 106 Stretch Differential Calculus I/MAT 107 Stretch Differential Calculus II). Many of our upper-level courses require MAT 240 Discrete Mathematics, so students are encouraged to complete this course during their freshman or sophomore year, after successfully completing either MAT 111 Differential Calculus or MAT 106 Stretch Differential Calculus I/MAT 107 Stretch Differential Calculus II. The Department strongly advises students not to take a course unless they earn a grade of C or better in the prerequisite course.

Requirements for The Bachelor of Science in Mathematics

Normally a student with good preparation in mathematics who intends to major in mathematics or one of the natural sciences will start in the calculus sequence with MAT 111 Differential Calculus, but a student who has had some work in calculus or who has received advanced placement credit for calculus may start with a more advanced course and is encouraged to consult with the department chair to make such arrangements. Students who would like a slower introduction to calculus with integrated pre-requisite material may take the 2-semester Stretch Differential Calculus sequence (MAT 106 Stretch Differential Calculus I and MAT 107 Stretch Differential Calculus II) in place of MAT 111 Differential Calculus.

Mathematics and computer science majors are eligible for the teacher education program. To assure proper scheduling, students wishing to become certified to teach mathematics should inform the chairs of both the Mathematics and Computer Science and Education Departments as soon as possible.

The mathematics major is also compatible with extended courses of study such as the Combined Plan in Engineering at Columbia University or Washington University in St. Louis, where students will take several upper-level math classes. As such, these students will have portions of the major waived, as noted below. Specifically, they can take fewer electives and can forgo writing a senior thesis or taking comprehensive exams.