Catalogs & Handbooks

Public Health Studies (PHS)

PHS 171  Introduction to Public Health  4 Credits  
Public Health is concerned with identifying andacting on the factors that shape the health anddiseases of populations. This course introducesthe major concepts, tools, and debates of PublicHealth through an exploration of issues in thisinterdisciplinary field including healthinequities, historical and ongoing strategies forcontrol of communicable and noncommunicablediseases, and connections between socialstructures and the distribution of disease from aPublic Health perspective. Students acquirebasic knowledge, attitudes, and skills that areimportant for Public Health practice. This courseis one of the two required courses for the PublicHealth minor.
Cross-listed as: SOC 171/PHS 171
Term(s) Offered: Fall, All Years
PHS 194  Special Topics  4 Credits  
View Available Sections for titles anddescriptions of Special Topics offered thissemester.
Term(s) Offered: All Terms, All Years
PHS 271  Global Health Disparities  4 Credits  
Global Health Disparities offers a cross culturalcomparative analysis of the definitions of healthand health care delivery, as well as an overviewof specific chronic and acute health issues. Thecourse addresses global health broadly and focuseson global health disparity. We analyze disparitywith a multidisciplinary perspective, evaluatingthe political, economic, and sociocultural aspectsof health inequality. This course is one of thetwo required courses for the Public Health minor.
Requisites: Pre or co-req: SOC 171
Cross-listed as: SOC 271/PHS 271
Term(s) Offered: Spring, All Years
PHS 294  Special Topics  4 Credits  
View Available Sections for titles anddescriptions of Special Topics offered thissemester.
Term(s) Offered: All Terms, All Years
PHS 351  Sociolology of Mental Health  4 Credits  
This course applies the sociological perspectiveto various topics regarding mental health andillness. The course covers topics such as thesocial construction of mental illness, the socialepidemiology and epidemiology of mental illness,labeling and stigma of those with a mentalillness, and mental health policy/treatment.
Requisites: Pre-req: SOC 101
Term(s) Offered: Spring, Odd Years
PHS 451  Sociology of Aging  4 Credits  
This course evaluates the social, psychological,and biological changes that occur with aging andhow these changes affect interactions betweenolder people and their family, friends, home,community, and society. Special attention is givento the sociological aspects of aging and theimpact the increasing older adult population hason the US today. The course takes classroomlearning and apply it to real world experiencesthrough a significant service-learning project.Students should be prepared to spend 20 hours in acommunity-based project during the course of thesemester.
Requisites: Pre-req: SOC 101
Cross-listed as: SOC 413/GEN 413
Term(s) Offered: Spring, Even Years
PHS 494  Special Topics  4 Credits  
View Available Sections for titles anddescriptions of Special Topics offered thissemester.
Term(s) Offered: All Terms, All Years