Catalogs & Handbooks

First-Year Seminar (FYS)

FYS 101  First-Year Seminar  4 Credits  
Effective citizen leadership requires the abilityto consider questions and issues from multipleperspectives with a thoughtful and critical eye.The required first-year seminar offers studentsthe opportunity to engage in nuanced criticalinquiry in a small, seminar-style course. Topicsvary widely and reflect diverse disciplinary andmultidisciplinary perspectives. All FYS 101courses introduce students to library research andinformation literacy; offer instruction on thewriting process, rhetorical knowledge, andacademic conventions; and include significantresearch, writing, revision, and presentation.FYS 101 courses satisfy the W1 component of theWriting Program.
Term(s) Offered: All Terms, All Years
FYS 102  Setting a Course for Academic Success  2 Credits  
FYS 102 is designed to enhance students' academicsuccess by providing pathways for learning. Thiscourse focuses on applying foundational skills tocurrent coursework in order to improve thestudents overall academic performance. Topics suchas study skills, time management and campusresources will be explored. Additionally, thiscourse will examine the connection between coursesuccess, majors, experiential learning and careerexploration.
Term(s) Offered: All Terms, All Years