Catalogs & Handbooks

Dance (DAN)

DAN 101  Dance in Culture & Society  4 Credits  
Dance in Culture and Society is an introduction to the study of dance in the academy. This survey course introduces students to dance as both an aesthetic and cultural experience. The aim is to present the breadth of the field, specifically where dance happens, the diverse functions it serves, and ways of making meaning of the dance experience. Through movement laboratories, readings, videos, observations, and discussions students explore the dance discipline.
Term(s) Offered: Spring, All Years
DAN 181  Dance Practicum: Crew  1 Credit  
This course provides an opportunity for student technicians (lighting/sound/projection operators and backstage crew) of the annual Dance Minor Concert to receive credit for their work. Technicians must participate in technical rehearsals and performances. Specific duties are determined based on the needs of the production; guidelines are available from the instructor. Technicians should expect to devote a total of 20-50 hours over the course of the production. Student technicians will be automatically enrolled (either for credit or as auditors) after their production closes. Practicum courses may be repeated for credit (1,2) credit(s).
Cross-listed as: THE 181/DAN 181
Term(s) Offered: Fall, All Years
DAN 182  Dance Practicum: Performance  2 Credits  
This course provides an opportunity for student performers in departmental theatre & dance productions to receive credit for their work. Performers typically must participate in auditions, callbacks, rehearsals, load-in, technical rehearsals, performances, and strike; specific duties are determined based on the needs of each production. Performers should expect to devote a total of 60-100 hours, some of which may be during college breaks, adjacent semesters, weekends, holidays, and other unusual times. At the beginning of each semester, all students involved in departmental productions are automatically enrolled as auditors in the relevant practicum course(s) and will be given an opportunity to request credit by contacting the instructor. Practicum courses may be repeated for credit (1,2) credit(s).
Cross-listed as: THE 182/DAN 182
Term(s) Offered: Fall, All Years
DAN 183  Dance Practicum: Design  2 Credits  
This course provides an opportunity for student designers of departmental theatre & dance productions to receive credit for their work. Designers typically must participate in a production orientation workshop (scenery, props, costumes, lighting, or sound), a design meeting with the departmental faculty, production meetings, load-in, technical rehearsals, and strike; specific duties are determined based on the needs of the production. Designers should expect to devote a total of 60-100 hours, some of which may be during college breaks, adjacent semesters, weekends, holidays, and other unusual times. At the beginning of each semester, all students involved in departmental productions are automatically enrolled as auditors in the relevant practicum course(s) and will be given an opportunity to request credit by contacting the instructor. Practicum courses may be repeated for credit (1,2) credit(s).
Term(s) Offered: Fall, All Years
DAN 184  Dance Practicum: Dramaturgy  2 Credits  
This course provides an opportunity for student dramaturgs of departmental theatre & dance productions to receive credit for their work. Students in these positions typically must participate in production meetings, rehearsals, load-in, technical rehearsals, and strike; specific duties are determined based on the needs of the production. Students in these positions should expect to devote a total of 60-100 hours, some of which may be during college breaks, adjacent semesters, weekends, holidays, and other unusual times. At the beginning of each semester, all students involved in departmental productions are automatically enrolled as auditors in the relevant practicum course(s), and will be given an opportunity to request credit by contacting the instructor. Practicum courses may be repeated for credit (1,2) credit(s).
Term(s) Offered: Fall, All Years
DAN 185  Dance Practicum: Assistant Stage Mngmt  2 Credits  
This course provides an opportunity for student assistant stage managers of departmental theatre productions to receive credit for their work. Assistant stage managers typically must participate in production meetings, rehearsals, load-in, technical rehearsals, performances, and strike; specific duties are determined based on the needs of the production. Assistant stage managers should expect to devote a total of 60-100 hours, some of which may be during college breaks, adjacent semesters, weekends, holidays, and other unusual times. At the beginning of each semester, all students involved in departmental productions are automatically enrolled as auditors in the relevant practicum course(s) and will be given an opportunity to request credit by contacting the instructor. Practicum courses may be repeated for credit (1,2) credit(s).
Term(s) Offered: Fall, All Years
DAN 186  Dance Practicum: Choreography  2 Credits  
This course provides an opportunity for students to gain experience in creating original choreography for the annual departmental dance concert. Working collaboratively with their dancers, faculty and guest choreographers, concert director, and production personnel will help students develop their choreographic and leadership skills. To enroll, students must complete a Student Choreographer Application. Dance faculty and guest artists will review applications and select the student choreographers. Student choreographers must participate in auditions, weekly rehearsals, works-in-progress showings, technical rehearsals and performances. Choreographers should expect to devote a total of 60-100 hours over the course of the production. Practicum courses may be repeated for credit (1,2) credit(s).
Term(s) Offered: All Terms, All Years
DAN 187  Dance Practicum: Assistant Directing  2 Credits  
This course provides an opportunity for students to gain experience in creating original choreography for the annual departmental dance concert. Working collaboratively with their dancers, faculty and guest choreographers, concert director, and production personnel will help students develop their choreographic and leadership skills. To enroll, students must complete a Student Choreographer Application. Dance faculty and guest artists will review applications and select the student choreographers. Student choreographers must participate in auditions, weekly rehearsals, works-in-progress showings, technical rehearsals and performances. Choreographers should expect to devote a total of 60-100 hours over the course of the production. Practicum courses may be repeated for credit (1,2) credit(s).
Term(s) Offered: All Terms, All Years
DAN 194  Special Topics  2 Credits  
View Available Sections for titles and descriptions of Special Topics offered this semester.
Term(s) Offered: Fall, All Years
DAN 212  Beginning Ballet  4 Credits  
Beginning Ballet is an introduction to the fundamentals of ballet technique as well as ballet terminology, traditions, and etiquette. Ballet class begins at the ballet barre and progresses to ballet centre adagio, and allegro combinations, all of which emphasize clarity of line, movement efficiency, range of motion, and artistry. Readings, videos, reflective and analytical writing, and live performance contextualize the in-class work.
Term(s) Offered: All Terms, All Years
DAN 227  Beginning Modern Dance  4 Credits  
Beginning Modern Dance is an introduction to basic principles of modern dance as a creative art form. Special emphasis is placed on body awareness, alignment, and artistic expression. The class structure includes a full body warm-up, center movement studies, traveling sequences and an extended modern dance phrase made up of both choreography and improvisation. Readings, videos, reflective and analytical writing, and live performance will contextualize the movement practice. 4 credits.
Term(s) Offered: Fall, All Years
DAN 233  Dance Composition  4 Credits  
Dance Composition is an introduction to the craft of making dances. It is designed to allow students to experience the process of discovering, creating, and performing original movement. Students utilize choreographic theories and compositional devices to develop solo and small group works. Students are encouraged to create a range of vocabularies. The course emphasizes the development of self-expression, creative inquiry, and critical awareness. Research, writing, and discussion required.
Term(s) Offered: Spring, Even Years
DAN 245  Jazz Dance  4 Credits  
Jazz Dance offers an exploration of movement vocabularies of the American dance form Jazz, demonstrating its evolution as both an art form and vehicle for individual and group expression. Emphasis will be placed on rhythm, style, technical development, and self-expression. Students will experience a range of jazz vocabularies including Authentic Jazz Dance (ex. Lindy Hop), Classical Concert Jazz Dance (jazz dance originating at the time of Jack Cole), Musical Theatre Jazz Dance (Broadway), and Contemporary Jazz Dance (ex. Lyrical Jazz and Pop Jazz). Class structure includes isolation techniques, warm-up techniques, coordination techniques, traveling sequences, and an extended jazz dance phrase that integrates and builds upon concepts introduced earlier in class. Articles, videos, reflective and critical writing, and live performance will contextualize the movement practice.
Term(s) Offered: Spring, Even Years
DAN 281  Creative Process  4 Credits  
This course gives an overview of major topics in creativity: the pleasures and pitfalls as well as effective strategies to use in creative work. Each week we tackle another issue and explore ways to approach creativity in the broadest sense. At the same time students work on self-directed projects throughout the semester (largely outside of class time), submit weekly progress updates, and periodically share with the class. By the end of the semester students have a range of tools and hands-on experiences to return to again and again in their future creative work. Prerequisite: One course of Studio Art, Music, Theatre, Dance, or Creative Writing, or permission of the instructor.
Cross-listed as: ART 231/MUS 234/THE 233
Term(s) Offered: All Terms, All Years
DAN 285  Advanced Dance Practicum: Stage Mgmt  2 Credits  
This course provides an opportunity for student stage managers to receive credit for their work on the annual departmental dance concert. Student dance stage managers must participate in works-in-progress showings, weekly production meetings, technical rehearsals, and performances; dance stage managers are also invited to participate in weekly SM Roundtable discussions with the faculty and other student stage managers. Specific duties are determined based on the needs of the production, but typically include planning & executing concert logistics, creating organizational production documents, calling lighting & sound cues, and working closely with the artistic and production managers to ensure a successful production. Stage managers should expect to devote a total of 60-100 hours over the course of the production, some of which may be during college breaks, weekends, holidays, late evenings, and other unusual times. This course is open to dance minors and non-minors. At the beginning of each semester, all students involved in departmental productions are automatically enrolled as auditors in the relevant practicum course(s) and will be given an opportunity to request credit by contacting the instructor. Practicum courses may be repeated for credit (1,2) credit(s).
Term(s) Offered: All Terms, All Years
DAN 287  Advanced Dance Practicum: Directing  4 Credits  
This course provides an opportunity for student directors of departmental theatre & dance productions to receive credit for their work. Students in these positions typically must participate in production meetings, rehearsals, load-in, technical rehearsals, and strike; specific duties are determined based on the needs of the production. Students in these positions should expect to devote a total of 120-200 hours, some of which may be during college breaks, adjacent semesters, weekends, holidays, and other unusual times. At the beginning of each semester, all students involved in departmental productions are automatically enrolled as auditors in the relevant practicum course(s) and will be given an opportunity to request credit by contacting the instructor.
Term(s) Offered: All Terms, All Years
DAN 294  Special Topics  4 Credits  
View Available Sections for titles and descriptions of Special Topics offered this semester.
Term(s) Offered: Fall, All Years
DAN 305  Teaching Dance  4 Credits  
Research shows that nearly 90% of dancers who stay in the field past college teach at least part time. Introduction to Teaching Dance provides students with the practical and theoretical foundation necessary to teach dance in a studio, school, or community environment. Specific topics vary from semester to semester, but may include philosophies of dance education, kinesthetic & emotional safety, national arts education standards, community engagement, learner-centric lesson planning, pedagogical ethics, educational activism, and other contemporary issues in dance instruction. Through observation, peer teaching practicums, and individual reflection, students will gain experience planning, teaching, and evaluating dance technique classes.
Term(s) Offered: Spring, All Years
DAN 312  Intermediate Ballet  4 Credits  
Intermediate Ballet is a progression of Beginning Ballet. Special emphasis will be placed on working in optimal alignment, building both strength and flexibility, and negotiating stability and mobility. Intermediate Ballet emphasizes clarity of line, movement efficiency, range of motion, and artistry. Readings, videos, reflective and analytical writing, and live performance will contextualize the in-class work .
Term(s) Offered: All Terms, All Years
DAN 327  Intermediate Modern Dance  4 Credits  
Intermediate Modern Dance is a progression of Beginning Modern Dance. Students work to develop a keen awareness of their bodies in order to build clarity, movement efficiency, grounded-ness, and dynamism. Special emphasis is placed on working in optimal alignment, building both strength and flexibility, and negotiating control and abandon. The focus is on technical development as it relates to inviting forward artistry and physical mastery of the body. Readings, videos, reflective and analytical writing, and live performance will contextualize the movement practice.
Cross-listed as: DAN 228/DAN 327
Term(s) Offered: Spring, All Years
DAN 329  Cuba Music & Culture  4 Credits  
Students enrolled in this course will focus on anthropological, ethnomusicological, and ethnochoreological ethnographic fieldwork methods, including participant-observation, ethnographic interviews, performance ethnography, and audio/video documentation techniques. Students will be exposed to both Afro-Cuban religious and Cuban popular expressive forms. They will learn about the interrelatedness of music, dance, visual arts, ritual, and religious beliefs, with contemporary Cuban politics and economics, as well as with Cuban views on nationality, gender, and race. Students will attend/observe both formal and informal music performances, and take music and dance lessons where they will have an opportunity to engage musicians on a one-on-one basis. This course requires at least 10 days of travel to Cuba.
Cross-listed as: ANT 329/MUS 329/DAN 329
Term(s) Offered: Winter, All Years
DAN 375  Arts Administration  4 Credits  
This course explores various aspects of leadership, management, and entrepreneurship for the visual and performing arts. Students will learn how arts organizations define themselves, make decisions, and plan for the future. Topics may include: leadership & governance, mission & strategy, program planning & evaluation, intellectual property & contracting, marketing & public relations, and/or budgeting & fundraising. This course has no curricular prerequisite, but requires a baseline interest in and understanding of the arts.
Term(s) Offered: Spring, Odd Years
DAN 381  Dance Portfolio  1 Credit  
Dance Portfolio culminates the dance minor. Students submit a digital portfolio of their work for faculty review. Upon declaring a dance minor, students schedule a meeting with the dance minor director to discuss the dance portfolio submission guidelines. Students maintain chronological digital files of their artistic work including choreographic, performance, teaching, and footage and photos. In addition to compiling work samples from class work and outside departmental activities, students will write an Artist Statement, Teaching Philosophy, and Dance Resume. Dance Portfolio is done as an independent study with 4 scheduled meetings with the dance minor director during the spring semester of senior year.
Term(s) Offered: Spring, All Years
DAN 394  Special Topics  4 Credits  
View Available Sections for titles and descriptions of Special Topics offered this semester.
Term(s) Offered: Fall, All Years
DAN 397  Dance Independent Study  1 Credit  
An agreement between a sponsoring faculty and a student letting the student study a topic of interest not offered at WC. 45 hours are required per credit.
DAN 497  Dance Independent Study  4 Credits  
An agreement between a sponsoring faculty and a student letting the student study a topic of interest not offered at WC. 45 hours are required per credit.