Catalogs & Handbooks

Chesapeake Regional Studies (CRS)

CRS 194  Special Topics  4 Credits  
Topics not regularly offered in a department's normal course offerings, chosen based on current student interest and faculty expertise. Special topic courses can only be offered 3 times; after this, the course must be approved as a regular course. Graded A-F or Pass/Fail.
Term(s) Offered: All Terms, All Years
CRS 240  The Natural Science of an Estuary  4 Credits  
This course is one of four courses that make up the Chesapeake Semester and addresses the natural science of the estuary, including the formation of estuaries, physical oceanography (tides, currents, salinity, etc.), chemical and biological oceanography, and many elements of estuarine ecology. We focus on the ecology and species found in Chesapeake estuarine habitats (salt marsh, mud flats, sandy beaches, etc.), but will also address elements of topical systems (coral reef, mangrove and even tropical rain forest ecology) to support comparative study during our trip to Belize. We will also address some of the more pressing anthropogenic impacts on the estuarine environment including the causes of sea level rise, ocean acidification, nutrient loading and habitat fragmentation and their effects of estuarine habitats and food webs. The course includes critical thinking at all levels, in-class and in-the-field lab exercises designed to reinforce course content and sharpen analytical skills, cooperative work and learning, and cross-disciplinary links with the other three courses of the Chesapeake Semester.
Term(s) Offered: Fall, All Years
Fees: $5,500 Chesapeake Semester Program
CRS 242  The Social Science of an Estuary  4 Credits  
The focus of this piece of the semester is to explore the social aspects of the Chesapeake Bay and its watershed, including its people, history, and their complex relationships with one another and the environment. Students will cover a wide range of topics, drawing on the disciplines of anthropology and archaeology, economics, geographic information systems, history, political science and sociology. Students also will explore the ways in which these approaches may be informed by other disciplines, such as those in the humanities and natural sciences. Intersections between disciplines and integrating different kinds of knowledge are essential. A substantial amount of learning will take place in the field, with particular design and focus around the Journey Around the Chesapeake: A Sense of Place and History.
Term(s) Offered: Fall, All Years
CRS 244  Humanities Perspective on the Chesapeake  4 Credits  
This section of the Chesapeake Semester offers a humanistic perspective on the Chesapeake Bay. One way to think about this part of the course would be the most familiar: just as you will be exploring the organic life of the Bay from the perspective of the natural and social sciences, so too you will encounter, in both readings, discussions, and your various field experiences, cultural artifacts of the Bay in terms of music, philosophy, the visual arts, and writing. However, to develop any understanding of the Bay, be it scientific or poetic or philosophical or anthropological, the student must learn to see and hear and think and write, as Thoreau puts it, with deeper references. Writing and thinking and creating are also organic endeavors. In this sense, our course is an exploration not just of the humanities of the Bay- arts, ethics, literature, writing-but of the humanistic understanding that you will bring to all the components of the Chesapeake Semester, that you will demonstrate (the expectation) in your final project, and that you will translate (the hope) into your future studies and endeavors beyond this course and the college.
Term(s) Offered: Fall, All Years
CRS 246  Interdisciplinary Study of an Estuary  4 Credits  
The Chesapeake Semester is a novel design of integrated experiential learning rooted in Washington College's strong traditions in liberal learning, coupled with its rich historical heritage and natural setting. This course builds upon three additional courses: CRS 242, CRS 240, and CRS 244 and helps to deliver elements of each course curricula in the field, dissolving disciplinary boundaries and making trans-disciplinary connections. Environmental policy and natural resource management are key topics, as students explore the rules and regulations that govern society's use of our most precious resources. Food production and food systems are analyzed as a key but often controversial linkage between environment and society. An additional area of focus for this course is the global nature of the problems that we face in the Chesapeake, using our experiences in Central America as a means to compare and contrast coastal environments around the world. Students will use interdisciplinary tools like the Chesapeake Semester Intersections to help frame these concepts. A substantial amount of learning will take place in the field with particular design and focus around the journey Resources and Regulations of the Chesapeake. Finally, this course will explore the ways in which a fuller understanding of place and people can be used to construct visions for the future, empowering people to take an active role in positively influencing society's impact on the natural world. In doing so, students will learn the elements of becoming student-citizen-leaders, taking on the evolving role as they explore the Chesapeake area's rich culture and environment.
Term(s) Offered: Fall, All Years
CRS 294  Special Topics  4 Credits  
Topics not regularly offered in a department's normal course offerings, chosen based on current student interest and faculty expertise.
CRS 296  Archaeological Field Study  4 Credits  
An introduction to archaeological fieldwork methods and to the theoretical concerns of anthropological archaeology. includes participation in archaeological survey and excavation as well as lectures, readings, and writing assignments. It typically is a six-week summer program, with a minimum obligation of 20 hours per week. This course is open to all students.
Term(s) Offered: Summer, Odd Years
Fees: $2,600 400 Archeology Summer Program Off Campus Study Fee
CRS 394  Special Topics  4 Credits  
Topics not regularly offered in a department's normal course offerings, chosen based on current student interest and faculty expertise.
Term(s) Offered: All Terms, All Years
Fees: $1,800 Williamsburg Program