Catalogs & Handbooks

Biology (BIO)

BIO SCE  Senior Capstone Experience  2 Credits  
Students enroll in the SCE course during their final year. Credits are awarded in the final semester for year-long experimental SCEs and double-majors, and during the semester of completion for single-semester, monograph-based SCEs.
Term(s) Offered: All Terms, All Years
BIO 100  Current Topics in Biology with Lab  4 Credits  
An introduction to some of the fundamental principles and concepts of modern biology. Emphasis varies with the course, which might range in topic from forensic biology to toxicology to ecology and evolution. The application of biological phenomena to everyday life and the scientific method are emphasized. The laboratory explores topics introduced in lecture and exposes students to investigative learning.
Term(s) Offered: All Terms, All Years
Fees: $25 Lab Fee
BIO 111  General Biology I with Lab  4 Credits  
This course provides an introduction to living systems. Topics studied include biomolecules, cell structure and function, metabolism, genetics and molecular biology (BIO 111) and diversity of life, physiology of plants and animals, evolution, and ecology (BIO 112). The laboratory complements the lecture and also provides an introduction to experimentation and communication of experimental results. Successful completion of BIO 111, 112 requires students to enroll in the lab sections of General Biology (BIO 113, 114) independently of the lecture. These courses are designed for students with a strong interest in the biological sciences and are prerequisites for upper-level biology courses.
Requisites: Coreq: BIO 113
Term(s) Offered: Fall, All Years
Fees: $50 Lab Fee
BIO 112  General Biology II with Lab  4 Credits  
This course provides an introduction to living systems. Topics studied include biomolecules, cell structure and function, metabolism, genetics and molecular biology (BIO 111) and diversity of life, physiology of plants and animals, evolution, and ecology (BIO 112). The laboratory complements the lecture and also provides an introduction to experimentation and communication of experimental results. Successful completion of BIO 111, BIO 112 requires students to enroll in the lab sections of General Biology (BIO 113, BIO 114) independently of the lecture. These courses are designed for students with a strong interest in the biological sciences and are prerequisites for upper-level biology courses.
Term(s) Offered: Spring, All Years
Fees: $50 Lab Fee
BIO 113  General Biology I Lab  0 Credits  
This is the laboratory section corresponding to the General Biology I lecture (BIO 111). BIO 113 is a required co-requisite of BIO 111. Assessments in BIO 113 are incorporated into the final grade of BIO 111.
Term(s) Offered: Fall, All Years
BIO 114  General Biology II Lab  0 Credits  
This is the laboratory section corresponding to the General Biology II lecture (BIO 112). BIO 114 is a required co-requisite of BIO 112. Assessments in BIO 114 are incorporated into the final grade of BIO 112.
Term(s) Offered: Spring, All Years
BIO 190  Biology Internship  4 Credits  
An internship developed by a faculty mentor and student in close consultation with the supervisor at the internship site. A learning contract is developed prior to enrollment in the course. Evaluation of student performance is completed by the faculty mentor based on fulfillment of the contract terms and written evaluation by the internship site supervisor. Graded A-F. 45 hours per credit are required.
Term(s) Offered: All Terms, All Years
BIO 194  Special Topics  4 Credits  
The study of areas in biology that are not regularly offered in the curriculum. Courses may be interdisciplinary, seminar or winter/summer field-type courses and will be designated as Category I, II or III, if there is a laboratory component.
Term(s) Offered: All Terms, All Years
BIO 202  Stem Cell Biology with Lab  4 Credits  
Stem cells possess the ability to build new tissues or replenish depleted ones. This course serves as an introduction to the unique biology of stem cells and their potential clinical applications in the treatment of degenerative disorders.
Term(s) Offered: Spring, Odd Years
Fees: $50 Lab Fee
BIO 203  Microbiology with Lab  4 Credits  
A study of microorganisms (viruses, bacteria, archaea, fungi, and protists). Topics include structure/function of prokaryotic cells; microbial metabolism, growth, genetics, and diversity; epidemiology; mechanisms of pathogenicity; selected infectious diseases; and environmental microbiology. The laboratory portion of the course emphasizes microscopy, microbial culture and enumeration, microbial metabolism, and water, food, and medical microbiology.
Term(s) Offered: Fall, All Years
Fees: $50 Lab Fee
BIO 205  Cell & Molecular Biology with Lab  4 Credits  
Part of an introductory set of courses designed for biology majors. This course provides an introduction to the cellular processes common to life with central themes including metabolism, macromolecular function and the genetic basis of cellular function. We examine the composition and function of membranes, how the structure of proteins affects function, the central dogma of information transfer, and how cells communicate. This course is designed to prepare students for in-depth, upper-level work in areas related to cell biology, molecular biology, biochemistry and genetics.
Term(s) Offered: All Terms, All Years
Fees: $50 Lab Fee
BIO 206  Ecology with Lab  4 Credits  
A study of the fundamentals of ecology. Topics include the relationships between organisms and their physical environment, population growth and structure, life histories, predator-prey interactions between species, community structure and dynamics, and ecosystem structure & function. Most of the weekly laboratories involve on or off-campus field trips for the collection of data from various ecosystems, while the remaining labs involve processing, graphing and statistical analysis of field data.
Term(s) Offered: All Terms, All Years
Fees: $50 Lab Fee
BIO 208  General Zoology with Lab  4 Credits  
General Zoology topics range from taxonomy and systematics to the basic patterns of form and function that characterize the major groups of animals. Lecture and laboratory work include functional morphology, reproduction, development, evolution, and ecology from simple protozoans through complex vertebrate taxa. The course emphasizes diverse adaptations of animals to the aquatic and terrestrial habitats in which they live.
Term(s) Offered: Fall, Non Conforming
Fees: $50 Lab Fee
BIO 209  Genetics with Lab  4 Credits  
A study of heredity in cells, individuals, and populations, and of the molecular expression of genes. The course emphasizes genetic analysis in both lab and lecture. Topics in the laboratory include experiments in transmission, population, cellular, and molecular genetics using a variety of organisms as models.
Cross-listed as: BIO 305/BIO 209
Term(s) Offered: All Terms, All Years
Fees: $50 Lab Fee
BIO 211  Plant Biology & Diversity with Lab  4 Credits  
An introduction to plants emphasizing their diversity, structure, function, and ecology. The laboratory includes field trips to collect local flora and explores plant cells and tissues, physiological processes, and environmental influences on growth and metabolism.
Term(s) Offered: Fall, Non Conforming
Fees: $50 Lab Fee
BIO 213  Tropical Ecology  4 Credits  
Tropical rainforests are a center of biodiversity and are of significant ecological importance. This course immerses students in the tropical rainforests of Central America, allowing for extensive observation and explorations of topics such as animal behavior, ornithology, herpetology, ecosystem services, and biodiversity. In addition to two weeks in a lowland tropical rainforest, the course also features pre-departure and post-travel class meetings and activities.
Term(s) Offered: Winter, Even Years
BIO 221  The Bermuda Environment  4 Credits  
This summer course investigates the complex marine ecology of the Bermuda Islands, the impact that human habitation and tourism have had on their natural history, and current environmental concerns and means of mitigating those concerns. Major areas of study include (but not be limited to) geology of Bermuda, biogeography and colonization, coral reef ecology, sponge and sea grass ecology, culture and history of Bermuda and its major towns, and the environmental impacts of so many people living on and visiting such a small area of islands.
Cross-listed as: BIO 221/ENV 221
Term(s) Offered: Summer, Odd Years
BIO 228  Ornithology with Lab  4 Credits  
An in-depth study of birds with respect to their evolutionary history, structural and physiological adaptations, behavior, and ecology. The laboratory component of this course focuses on the identification of local species of birds and reinforcement of lecture topics in the field. The lab introduces research techniques used to study birds in the field and includes visits to the River and Field Campus (RAFC) and local wildlife areas.
Term(s) Offered: Fall, Odd Years
Fees: $50 Lab Fee
BIO 290  Biology Internship  4 Credits  
An internship developed by a faculty mentor and student in close consultation with the supervisor at the internship site. A learning contract is developed prior to enrollment in the course. Evaluation of student performance is completed by the faculty mentor based on fulfillment of the contract terms and written evaluation by the internship site supervisor. Graded A-F. 45 hours per credit are required.
Term(s) Offered: All Terms, All Years
BIO 294  Special Topics  4 Credits  
The study of areas in biology that are not regularly offered in the curriculum. Courses may be interdisciplinary, seminar or winter/summer field-type courses and will be designated as Category I, II or III, if there is a laboratory component.
Term(s) Offered: All Terms, All Years
BIO 295  On Campus Research  4 Credits  
A ten-week on-campus summer research project to be guided by a faculty mentor. Based on mutual interests, the student and faculty mentor develop a research project, supported by a reading list and involving theoretical, laboratory, or field investigations. Participants produce a final report detailing the findings of their research. Selection of students depends on academic background, scholastic achievement, and the results of a personal interview with the faculty mentor. 45 hours per credit required. Graded A-F
Term(s) Offered: Summer, All Years
BIO 296  Off-Campus Research  4 Credits  
An individual research project chosen by the student in consultation with a faculty mentor. The project involves the design and performance of an experiment or experimental series and submission of a written report. 45 hours per credit are required. Graded A-F
Term(s) Offered: Summer, All Years
BIO 301  Integrative Human Anatomy with Lab  4 Credits  
A holistic, integrative investigation into the major body systems of humans, examining human anatomy through an integrative lens. Integration occurs across levels of organization (from molecules and cells up through organ systems) as well as time (across the phylogeny of vertebrates), with emphasis placed on system structure, function, and evolutionary modification across vertebrate phylogeny. Laboratory work consists of detailed systems-level examination, interactive simulations, and guided dissection.
Term(s) Offered: Fall, All Years
Fees: $50 Lab Fee
BIO 302  Developmental Biology with Lab  4 Credits  
Developmental biology integrates concepts and practices from cell biology, genetics, anatomy, neurobiology, evolutionary biology, and beyond to examine how complex multicellular organisms arise from a single cell--the fertilized egg. This course discusses the events of development from fertilization through organ development in a range of animal systems, focusing on the cellular and molecular mechanisms that regulate cell and tissue growth and differentiation. Laboratory exercises use model organisms such as the embryonic sea urchin, fish, chick, and fruit fly to introduce common experimental techniques. Class discussions connect basic concepts from developmental biology to ethical debates related to reproductive, maternal, and fetal health.
Term(s) Offered: Fall, Non Conforming
Fees: $50 Lab Fee
BIO 309  Marine & Estuarine Bio with Lab  4 Credits  
The course examines marine and estuarine ecosystems. The course focuses on coastal communities common in the mid-Atlantic region (rocky intertidal, sandy beach, salt marsh, etc.), but also addresses more exotic marine communities (deep sea, coral reef, mangrove, etc.). Lectures focus on the biological, chemical and physical oceanographic processes influencing these ecosystems and the ecology of interacting species in these communities. Labs provide an introduction to marine invertebrate zoology for the first half of the semester and independent research projects working with marine invertebrate species during the second half of the semester. One of the labs involves a day-long trip to sandy beach, dune, maritime forest, and salt marsh communities in Lewes, DE.
Term(s) Offered: Spring, Even Years
Fees: $50 Lab Fee
BIO 311  Neurobiology with Lab  4 Credits  
An overview of the field of neurobiology. The structure and components of the nervous system are discussed. In addition, the methods of communication within the nervous system and including an overview of some of the sensory systems that relay environmental cues for processing in the CNS are examined. The purpose of this laboratory is to become familiar with neuroanatomy as well as experimental techniques used in the field of neuroscience both by hands on experience and reading/ presenting journal articles.
Term(s) Offered: Fall, Non Conforming
Fees: $50 Lab Fee
BIO 313  Wetlands Ecology with Lab  4 Credits  
Wetlands Ecology provides an in-depth examination of the function and types of wetlands with an emphasis on ecosystem services, biodiversity and conservation. Lecture includes a broad overview of the role wetlands play in larger ecosystems as well as the hydrology, geology, chemistry, trophic interactions, and species common to these unique aquatic systems. Laboratories include a large field-based component where students will learn to identify wetlands and their associated flora and fauna.
Cross-listed as: BIO 313/ENV 313
Term(s) Offered: Spring, Non Conforming
BIO 314  Biotechnology & Molecular Bio with Lab  4 Credits  
This course introduces the tools and techniques of biotechnology. While the discipline of biotechnology is founded in molecular biology, its tools can be applied to tackle problems in all branches of biology from cell biology to evolution. This course provides the conceptual background for understanding the basis of biotechnology and emphasizes laboratory activities related to DNA and DNA-RNA-protein interconnections. Student learn standard techniques in DNA analysis and cloning.
Term(s) Offered: Spring, Non Conforming
BIO 315  Ecophysiology with Lab  4 Credits  
This course examines how organisms' physiological responses have evolved in response to ecological challenges, such as fluctuating or extreme conditions in their environment. Discussions of physiological adaptations integrate topics from a variety of fields, including behavior, ecology, and molecular biology. Interactions between vertebrate animals and their biotic and abiotic environments are emphasized. The laboratory component of the course includes both in-lab and field activities.
Term(s) Offered: Fall, Non Conforming
Fees: $50 Lab Fee
BIO 328  Behavioral Ecology with Lab  4 Credits  
This course addresses how animal behavior has evolved in response to ecological pressures in the environment. Topics covered in the course include competition, sexual selection, parent-offspring conflict, social interactions, and game theory. Laboratory work includes discussions of primary literature, activities in the classroom, and field excursions.
Term(s) Offered: Spring, Even Years
BIO 336  Fish Physiology and Behavior with Lab  4 Credits  
Fish are the oldest, largest, and most diverse group of vertebrates on Earth. Humans have 5 senses, but most fish have 6 and some have 7. The physiology, anatomy, behavior, and ecology of fishes are discussed are discussed. Topics include locomotion, feeding, sensory biology, predator/prey interactions, communication, reproduction and extreme habitats like the deep sea and polar waters. Laboratory work is split between identification of specimens to become familiar with the major fish families of the Chesapeake region and investigations of fish behavior, including a multi-week independent project. Lab includes two all-day field trips, one to the largest fish collection in the world at the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History Support Facility and one to the Baltimore Aquarium.
Term(s) Offered: Spring, Odd Years
Fees: $50 Lab Fee
BIO 350  Introduction to Toxicology with Lab  4 Credits  
An introduction to the interdisciplinary field of toxicology at the molecular, environmental, and regulatory level. Basic concepts of toxicology including the history of poisons, dose-response, routes of exposure, and mechanisms of toxicity that pertain to human health and the environment are covered. Emphasis is placed on information literacy to support problem-based and evidence-based learning and case studies are used to delve into the social, political, and global issues involved.
Term(s) Offered: Spring, Non Conforming
Fees: $50 Lab Fee
BIO 351  Evolution with Lab  4 Credits  
An in-depth examination of various components of evolutionary biology. Topics include (but are not limited to) evolutionary mechanisms, genetics, speciation, adaptation, extinction, evolutionary history, and analysis of evolutionary relationships. Laboratory exercises emphasize the discussion and analysis of primary literature articles supplemented by laboratory- and field-based observations.
Term(s) Offered: Spring, Non Conforming
Fees: $50 Lab Fee
BIO 390  Biology Internship  4 Credits  
An internship developed by a faculty mentor and student in close consultation with the supervisor at the internship site. A learning contract is developed prior to enrollment in the course. Evaluation of student performance is completed by the faculty mentor based on fulfillment of the contract terms and written evaluation by the internship site supervisor. Graded A-F. 45 hours per credit are required.
Term(s) Offered: All Terms, All Years
BIO 392  Biology Junior Seminar  0 Credits  
Biology students participate with faculty in the department's weekly Biology Seminar in the spring semester of the junior year. Instruction focuses on searching the biological literature, reading of primary literature, and preparing students to be engaged in the Senior Capstone Experience. Zero credits.
Term(s) Offered: Spring, All Years
BIO 394  Special Topics  4 Credits  
The study of areas in biology that are not regularly offered in the curriculum. Courses may be interdisciplinary, seminar or winter/summer field-type courses and will be designated as Category I, II or III, if there is a laboratory component.
Term(s) Offered: All Terms, All Years
Fees: $50 Lab Fee
BIO 395  On-Campus Guided Research  4 Credits  
A ten-week on-campus summer research project to be guided by a faculty mentor. Based on mutual interests, the student and faculty mentor develop a research project, supported by a reading list and involving theoretical, laboratory, or field investigations. Participants produce a final report detailing the findings of their research. Selection of students depends on academic background, scholastic achievement, and the results of a personal interview with the faculty mentor. 45 hours per credit required. Graded A-F
Term(s) Offered: All Terms, All Years
BIO 396  Off-Campus Research  4 Credits  
An individual research project chosen by the student in consultation with a faculty mentor. The project involves the design and performance of an experiment or experimental series and submission of a written report. 45 hours per credit are required. Graded A-F
Term(s) Offered: Summer, All Years
BIO 397  Independent Study  4 Credits  
The in-depth study of an area of particular interest to a student and faculty mentor not covered by the regular curriculum. 45 hours per credit are required. Graded A-F.
Term(s) Offered: All Terms, All Years
BIO 404  Immunology with Lab  4 Credits  
An overview of host defense systems. Topics include lymphoid organs, hematopoiesis, leukocyte structure and function, innate and adaptive immunity, antigens, antibodies; lymphocyte receptors, immunogenetics, the major histocompatibility complex, complement, vaccines, and immune disorders. The laboratory focuses on antigen-antibody interactions.
Term(s) Offered: Spring, All Years
Fees: $50 Lab Fee
BIO 409  Biochemistry with Lab  4 Credits  
The chemistry and metabolism of biological molecules. Students learn about the structure, function and metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. Thermodynamics and enzyme-mediated catalysis are addressed, with an emphasis on how reaction rates and energetics affect biological processes and pathways. A laboratory is conducted weekly to introduce students to experimental techniques and molecular modeling.
Cross-listed as: BIO 409/CHE 309
Term(s) Offered: Fall, All Years
Fees: $50 Lab Fee
BIO 424  Integrative Human Physiology with Lab  4 Credits  
A holistic, integrative investigation into the major body systems of humans, examining human physiology through an integrative lens. Topics include gas exchange, circulation, water and ion balance, and excitable cells. Laboratory work consists of hands-on explorations of physiological phenomena, research techniques and technologies, and data analysis.
Term(s) Offered: Spring, All Years
Fees: $50 Lab Fee
BIO 490  Biology Internship  4 Credits  
An internship developed by a faculty mentor and student in close consultation with the supervisor at the internship site. A learning contract is developed prior to enrollment in the course. Evaluation of student performance is completed by the faculty mentor based on fulfillment of the contract terms and written evaluation by the internship site supervisor. Graded A-F. 45 hours per credit are required.
Term(s) Offered: All Terms, All Years
BIO 494  Special Topics  4 Credits  
The study of areas in biology that are not regularly offered in the curriculum. Courses may be interdisciplinary, seminar or winter/summer field-type courses and will be designated as Category I, II or III, if there is a laboratory component.
Term(s) Offered: All Terms, All Years
BIO 495  On-Campus Guided Research  4 Credits  
A ten-week on-campus summer research project to be guided by a faculty mentor. Based on mutual interests, the student and faculty mentor develop a research project, supported by a reading list and involving theoretical, laboratory, or field investigations. Participants produce a final report detailing the findings of their research. Selection of students depends on academic background, scholastic achievement, and the results of a personal interview with the faculty mentor. 45 hours per credit required. Graded A-F
Term(s) Offered: All Terms, All Years
BIO 496  Off-Campus Research  4 Credits  
An individual research project chosen by the student in consultation with a faculty mentor. The project involves the design and performance of an experiment or experimental series and submission of a written report. 45 hours per credit are required. Graded A-F
Term(s) Offered: All Terms, All Years
BIO 497  Independent Study  4 Credits  
The in-depth study of an area of particular interest to a student and faculty mentor not covered by the regular curriculum. 45 hours per credit are required. Graded A-F.
Term(s) Offered: All Terms, All Years