Catalogs & Handbooks

Attendance, Class Cancellation

Attendance & Class Cancellation Policy for Students and Student Athletes

It is the responsibility of WC students to attend each class meeting scheduled in every course in which they enroll. Students on probation are expected to attend all classes without exception and should contact the Dean of Student Achievement and Success about any absences that are truly unavoidable. A faculty member’s attendance policy may include failure of the course for excessive absences. Students are encouraged to ask their professors about any attendance policies that are not clear to them.

Members of the faculty are under no obligation to accept any student who misses the first day of class.  Faculty must certify class rosters, by using Self-Service to choose “Never Attended”, which automatically drops the class from the student’s record with a notation that the drop was for Never AttendingFaculty certify their class rosters prior to the last day to drop. Students who cannot attend on the first day but would like to remain in the course must contact their instructors before the first day of class.

Students may occasionally be excused from other College obligations if they are involved in a field trip regarded as an integral part of the work of a particular course. The Dean of Student Achievement and Success or faculty member involved will send out to the faculty an advance listing of those students participating in such a field trip. Field trips should be arranged as far ahead of time as practicable.

As soon as arrangements have been completed, and in any event no less than one week before the trip, the Provost of the College should be informed of the date and inclusive hours of the trip and of the names of those students participating. If actual attendance differs from what was anticipated, a revised list of names should be sent to the Provost’s Office immediately upon conclusion of the trip.

A student who is repeatedly absent, or whose attendance continues to be unsatisfactory following a warning from the instructor, will be reported by their instructor to either the Registrar or the Dean of Student Achievement and Success to investigate cases of prolonged absence in which the reasons are unknown to the instructor.

When an instructor is more than ten minutes late to a class, the students may leave without penalty.

Attendance Policy for Student-Athletes

Student-Athletes may miss class due to travel, class attendance at all other times is expected. Student-athletes are responsible for notifying professors in advance and arranging to make up missed work if the Student-Athlete misses class because of regular and post-season contests. Practices, scrimmages, and off-season athletic events are not valid reasons for missing classes; Student-Athletes should attend the class and arrange with the coach to make up missed practice time.

To facilitate faculty awareness and cooperation with students regarding absences, the varsity sports offered at Washington College and the terms in which sports are played are as follows:


Fall Spring
Basketball Basketball
Golf Golf
Sailing Sailing
Swimming Swimming
Tennis Tennis
Trap & Skeet


Fall Spring
Basketball Basketball
Field Hockey
Golf Golf
Sailing Sailing
Swimming Swimming
Tennis Tennis
Trap & Skeet

Making Up Work

Responsibility for handing in all announced papers, reports, and projects on time rests entirely with the student. Instructors may penalize late work.

A student who has missed an examination or test is responsible for making it up and must take the initiative to reach out and plan to make-up examination/test with the instructor. Instructors are not obliged to prepare make-up exams unless the student’s absence was occasioned by serious and unavoidable reasons. Students who are members of varsity sports teams and who must miss an exam because of a scheduled sports event may make-up exams. In such cases, responsibility for informing the professor of an absence for an exam and for scheduling a make-up exam date rests solely with the individual student.