Catalogs & Handbooks

Academic Dishonesty, the Honor Code, Student Pledge

By accepting the offer of admission, all students entering Washington College agree to conduct themselves in accordance with the Washington College Honor Code, College policies, and all local, state, and federal laws.

The Honor Code

We at Washington College strive to maintain an environment in which learning and growth flourish through individuals’ endeavors and honest intellectual exchanges both in and out of the classroom. To maintain such an environment, each member of the community pledges to respect the ideas, well-being, and property of others. Thus, each member of the Washington College community abides by its Honor Code.

The Spirit of the Honor Code

The Washington College Honor Code was established by vote of the faculty and students in 1976 and reaffirmed in 1987. In 1994, the Honor Code was redrafted to reflect student and faculty sentiment that a single code should address both academic and social conduct.

The Washington College Honor Code sets standards for the entire College community. The intention of the Honor Code is to encourage honest academic achievement and the highest standard of social conduct in all members of the institution. Those who agree to this honor system promise to uphold it and abide by it. All students are required to sign the Honor Code upon enrollment at Washington College, signifying that they have read and understand the Honor Code, that they are willing to abide by its principles, and that they understand the sanctions they may incur if they violate the Code.

The Student Pledge

Faculty members are expected to discuss the implementation of the Honor Code at the beginning of each semester in every class. In addition, they are encouraged to have students attach the following pledge (or an abbreviation suggested by the instructor) to any credit-bearing work:

I pledge my word of honor that I have abided by the Washington College Honor Code while completing this assignment.

For more information, see The Student Handbook.